005 : Unveiling China’s Transformation: Navigating Globalization and State-Society Dynamics

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As we know, the world is currently facing a phenomenon called globalization. Globalization is a phenomenon where countries increase their interconnectedness so that it seems as though borders between countries are disappearing. The theory of globalization used in this essay stems from the high economic transactions between countries that affect changes in transaction mechanisms due to increased economic integration.

There are two different meanings of globalization. The first is related to conditions of interdependence between countries in several various aspects such as communication, trade, and finance. The second meaning is that the theory of globalization is considered a theory of economic development because integration is regarded as very influential on economic growth

FYI, The focus of this theoretical discussion is the relationship that exists between countries and the link also touches on things like cultural and economic.

How did globalization occur? First, a global communication system will work if there is an increase in communication between countries within the scope of government and society. Second, the world communication system, although developed first in developed countries, will spread to developing countries. Third, modern communication systems will affect the social, economic, and culture of the country. Fourth, a minority in a country will have an impact on this globalization. Fifth, cultural factors will influence the economic form and social structure of each country.

According to the theory of globalization, aspects of the state’s openness to other countries will produce state development progress. When applied to the China model of development, it is characterized by rapid economic growth when China entered the global production network that emerged in the 1970s made China enter the global value chain. China has begun the stages of economic and social reform since 1978. The improvement is referred to as The Rise of China. At the beginning of the reform, there was a change of government into a centralized authority and planned economy. This has led to the formation of China’s current economic and social foundations.

On the other hand, this makes a large-scale market increase but makes China have to make comprehensive improvements. Four things become China’s main achievement in the state developing process, namely rapid growth, industrial structural change, increased privatization, and improved living standards. This achievement will not be achieved if there is only the role of government in it but against other actors such as society.

Before the reformation, Chinese society tended to be closed to the outside world, resulting in technological and industrial underdevelopment, very different from nearby countries such as South Korea and Japan. When China conducts domestic reforms or in other words, openness with the outside world, China receives many innovations to reform including giving new ideas to Chinese society to make changes. Please note that Chinese society is formed from a culture that is influenced by the economic and political system in which the individual is located. This indicates that globalization is an essential aspect of changing the shape of society that will affect how the country develops.

There are two ways in which culture can be very influential in China’s economic development.

  1. First, the culture of Chinese society has differences from other countries’ societies that it prevents other countries from wanting to establish commercial relations with China. If other countries do not make adjustments, domestic demand from China may not be as expected.
  2. Secondly, the Chinese political institution is influenced by the norm and behavior of Chinese society. In carrying out reforms, the Chinese government must make the transition from the old norm to the new one because the norms of Chinese society will change as technology advances rapidly due to globalization.

The theory used in this essay to show the relationship between society and the state is the globalization theory of development which can be seen from the increasing global economic integration of transactions and aspects related to society's culture. That is because increased communication between countries, including between societies, has led to a culture transfer that can have an impact on cultural and norm changes. That aspect will influence the form of a political instrument of a country which in this case is China, where the structure of Chinese cultural society affects the shape of the country’s reform. Although we know that the direction of a country in the international system is a decision of the government, it turns out that society also takes an important supporting factor for the government to consider.

© Cantikaputri Febrianti