001 : Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri is the largest financial institution in Indonesia and is considered one of the leading banks in the country. The bank provides a wide range of financial services and products to individuals, businesses, and government institutions.

Source: Lifepal

During my internship at Bank Mandiri in 2017, I actively participated in several significant tasks that contributed to the efficient operation of the division. One of my key responsibilities was assisting in the creation of the division's petty cash report, where I meticulously organized and recorded financial transactions.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to play a role in the interview sessions for potential staff members, where I helped facilitate the process and gained valuable insights into the recruitment procedure. These experiences not only allowed me to hone my financial and organizational skills but also provided me with a deeper understanding of the bank's operational dynamics and the importance of effective teamwork.

Work Portfolio

  1. Helping with the interview session of staff
  2. Contributing to the making of division petty cash report