

Introuduction to International Relations

  • Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P. (Eds.). (2017). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations (Second international edition). Oxford University Press.
  • Chen, D. (2017, February 27). Is China Ready for Global Leadership? [Online News]. The Diplomat.
  • Devetak, R., Burke, A., & George, J. (2012). An introduction to international relations (2nd ed). Cambridge University Press.
  • Krauthammer, C. (1990). The Unipolar Moment. Foreign Affairs, 70(1), 23.
  • The Economist. (2017, April 1). Is China challenging the United States for global leadership? The Economist.
  • Waltz, K. N. (1979). Theory of international politics. Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.

Introduction to Social Science

  • Hunt, E. F., & Colander, D. C. (2011). Social science: An introduction to the study of society (14th ed). Pearson Education/Allyn & Bacon.
  • Little, W., & Little, W. (2014). Chapter 17. Government and Politics.

Modern World History

  • Croxton, D. (1999). The Peace of Westphalia of 1648 and the Origins of Sovereignty. The International History Review, 21(3), 569–591.
  • De Carvalho, B., Leira, H., & Hobson, J. M. (2011). The Big Bangs of IR: The Myths That Your Teachers Still Tell You about 1648 and 1919. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39(3), 735–758.
  • Dockrill, M. L., Hopkins, M. F., & Dockrill, M. L. (2006). The Cold War, 1945-1991 (2nd ed). Palgrave Macmillian. Gross, L. (1948). The Peace of Westphalia, 1648–1948. American Journal of International Law, 42(1), 20–41.
  • Huntington, S. P. (2011). The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order (Simon&Schuster hardcover ed). Simon & Schuster.
  • Kissinger, H. (2014). World order: Reflections on the character of nations and the course of history. Lane, Penguin.
  • Lowe, N. (2013). Mastering modern world history (Fifth edition). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Merriman, J. M. (2004). A history of modern Europe: From the Renaissance to the present (2nd ed). W.W. Norton.
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  • Osiander, A. (2001). Sovereignty, International Relations, and the Westphalian Myth. International Organization, 55(2), 251–287.
  • Wimmer, A., & Feinstein, Y. (2010). The Rise of the Nation-State across the World, 1816 to 2001. American Sociological Review, 75(5), 764–790.

Indonesia Political Perspective

  • Aspinall, E., Dettman, S., & Warburton, E. (2011). When Religion Trumps Ethnicity: A Regional Election Case Study from Indonesia. South East Asia Research, 19(1), 27–58.
  • Aspinall, E., & Sukmajati, M. (Eds.). (2016). Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots. NUS Press.
  • Ballington, J., Karam, A. M., & International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Eds.). (2005). Women in parliament: Beyond numbers (Rev. ed). International IDEA.
  • Bessell, S. (2010). Increasing the proportion of women in the national parliament: Opportunities, barriers and challenges. 219–242.
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  • Ethridge, M. E., & Handelman, H. (2015). Politics in a changing world (Seventh edition). Cengage Learning.
  • Hillman, B. (2012). Ethnic politics and local political parties in Indonesia. Asian Ethnicity, 13(4), 419–440.
  • Hillman, B. (2017). Increasing Women’s Parliamentary Representation in Asia and the Pacific: The Indonesian Experience. Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 4(1), 38–49.
  • Mietzner, M. (2006). The Politics of Military Reform in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Elite Conflict, Nationalism, and Institutional Resistance. East-West Center.
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  • Mietzner, M. (2016). The Sukarno dynasty in Indonesia: Between institutionalisation, ideological continuity and crises of succession. South East Asia Research, 24(3), 355–368.
  • Muez, N. (2017). Religion and Politics: Reflections from Jakarta.
  • Muhtadi, B. (2015). Jokowi’s First Year: A Weak President Caught between Reform and Oligarchic Politics. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 51(3), 349–368.
  • Rabasa, A., & Haseman, J. (2002). The Military and Democracy in Indonesia: Challenges, Politics, and Power. RAND Corporation.
  • Rhoads, E. (2012). Women’s Political Participation in Indonesia: Decentralisation, Money Politics and Collective Memory in Bali. Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 31(2), 35–56.
  • Siregar, W. Z. Br. (2005). Parliamentary Representation of Women in Indonesia: The Struggle for a Quota. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 11(3), 36–72.
  • Warburton, E. (2016). Jokowi and the New Developmentalism. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 52(3), 297–320.
  • Winters, J. A. (2016). Electoral Dynamics in Indonesia: Money Politics, Patronage and Clientelism at the Grassroots. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 52(3), 405–409.

Introduction To International Political Economy (IPE)

  • Anup Shah. (2010, August 22). A Primer on Neoliberalism.
  • Harvey, D. (2005). A Brief History of Neoliberalism. Oxford University Press.
  • Martin, W. (2016, August 19). Nobel Prize-winning economist Stiglitz tells us why ‘neoliberalism is dead’. Business Insider.
  • Oatley, T. H. (2012). International political economy (5th ed). Longman.
  • Underhill, G. R. D. (2000). State, Market, and Global Political Economy: Genealogy of an (Inter-?) Discipline. International Affairs (Royal Institute of International Affairs 1944-), 76(4), 805–824.

Introduction To Security Studies in International Relations

  • Buzan, B., & Hansen, L. (2011). The evolution of international security studies (Reprinted). Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Dunn Cavelty, M., & Balzacq, T. (Eds.). (2017). Routledge handbook of security studies (Second edition). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Williams, P. D. (Ed.). (2018). Security studies: An introduction (Third edition). Routledge.

Theories Of International Relations

  • Agbebi, M., & Virtanen, P. (2017). Dependency Theory – A Conceptual Lens to Understand China’s Presence in Africa? Forum for Development Studies, 44(3), 429–451.
  • Duncan Snidal. (2002). Rational Choice and International Relations. In W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse, & B. Simmons, Handbook of International Relations. SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • Dunne, T., Kurki, M., & Smith, S. (Eds.). (2016). International relations theories: Discipline and diversity (Fourth edition). Oxford University Press.
  • Jervis, R. (1988). Realism, Game Theory, and Cooperation. World Politics, 40(3), 317–349.
  • Namkoong, Y. (1999). Dependency theory: Concepts, classifications, and criticisms. International Area Review, 2(1), 121–150.
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  • Putnam, R. D. (1988). Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games. International Organization, 42(3), 427–460.
  • Schimmelfennig, F. (1998). Nato enlargement: A constructivist explanation. Security Studies, 8(2–3), 198–234.
  • Spindler, M. (2013). International Relations: A Self-Study Guide to Theory (1st ed.). Verlag Barbara Budrich.

International Relations Research Methods

  • Kumar, R. (2019). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners (Fifth edition). SAGE.
  • Roselle, L., & Spray, S. L. (2020). Research and writing in international relations (Third Edition). Routledge.

Diplomacy and International Politics

  • Cooper, A. F., Heine, J., & Thakur, R. (Eds.). (2013). The Oxford handbook of modern diplomacy. Oxford University Press.

Foreign Policy Analysis in International Relations

  • Dugis, V. (2007). Analysing Foreign Policy. Masyarakat, Kebudayaan, Politik, 20, 41–52.
  • Hermann, M. G. (2005). Assessing leadership style: Trait analysis. The Psychological Assessment of Political Leaders, 7(2), 178–212.
  • Mintz, A., & DeRouen, K. R. (2010). Understanding foreign policy decision making. Cambridge University Press.

Contemporary Issues In Global Politics

  • Andrew Heywood. (2014). Global politics (2nd edition). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Heywood, A., & Whitham, B. (2023). Global politics (Third edition). Bloomsbury Academic.

Foreign Policy Of Developed Countries

  • Breuning, M. (2007). Foreign policy analysis: A comparative introduction (1st ed). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Freire, M. R. (2019). The quest for status: How the interplay of power, ideas, and regime security shapes Russia’s policy in the post-Soviet space. International Politics, 56(6), 795–809.
  • Garner, K. (2013). Gender and foreign policy in the Clinton administration. FirstForumPress, a division of Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc.
  • Gaskarth, J., & Oppermann, K. (2021). Clashing Traditions: German Foreign Policy in a New Era. International Studies Perspectives, 22(1), 84–105.
  • Gyngell, A., & Wesley, M. (2003). Making Australian Foreign Policy (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  • Jentleson, B. W. (2010). American foreign policy: The dynamics of choice in the 21st century (4th ed). W.W. Norton & Co.
  • Keukeleire, S., & MacNaughtan, J. (2008). The foreign policy of the European union. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Zakowski, K., Bochorodycz, B., & Socha, M. (2018). Japan’s Foreign Policy Making. Springer International Publishing.

International Law Issues And International Dispute Settlement

  • Cali, B. (Ed.). (2010). International law for international relations. Oxford University Press.
  • Shaw, M. N. (2008). International law (6th ed). Cambridge University Press.

International Political Economy of Development

  • Currie-Alder, B. (Ed.). (2014). International development: Ideas, experience, and prospects (First edition). Oxford University Press.

Regionalism in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Community

  • Hurrell, A. (1995). Explaining the Resurgence of Regionalism in World Politics. Review of International Studies, 21(4), 331–358.

International Organization in International Relations

  • Gutner, T. L. (2017). International organizations in world politics. SAGE/ CQ Press.
  • Hurd, I. (2014). International organizations: Politics, law, pratice (2nd edition). Cambridge university press.
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  • Vines, D., & Gilbert, C. L. (Eds.). (2004). The IMF and its Critics: Reform of Global Financial Architecture (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.

Global Economic Architecture

  • Cohn, T. H. (2012). Global political economy (6th ed). Pearson Longman.
  • Gilpin, R., & Gilpin, J. M. (2001). Global political economy: Understanding the international economic order. Princeton University Press.
  • Ikenberry, G. J. (2014). From hegemony to the balance of power: The rise of China and American grand strategy in East Asia. International Journal of Korean Unification Studies, 23(2), 41–63.
  • Luckhurst, J. (2018). The shifting global economic architecture: Decentralizing authority in contemporary global governance (1st edition 2018). Springer International Publishing - Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Mucha-Leszko, B., & Twarowska, K. (2016). The European Union as a global economic power. Comparative Economic Research. Central and Eastern Europe, 19(3), 27–44.
  • Yazid, N. M. (2015). The theory of hegemonic stability, hegemonic power and international political economic stability. Global Journal of Political Science and Administration, 3(6), 67–79.

WTO And Trade Diplomacy

  • Pigman, G. A. (2016). Trade diplomacy transformed: Why trade matters for global prosperity. Lulu. com.
  • VanGrasstek, C., & Pascal, L. (2013). The history and future of the World Trade Organization. World Trade Organization Geneva.